Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And so we wait!

Well we put the offer in last Saturday. When Monday rolled around we found out there was 3 total offers put in over the weekend, including ours. So we put in the best we were willing to offer and sent it off yesterday (Tuesday). We are supposed to find out today if we get the go ahead.

Waiting kills both Jen and I. If we had it our way we'd be moved in already. I had a feeling there were going to be more offers then just ours because the house was so nice.

So the plan... Wait?!

Oh btw we went to the Jazz game 7th Row Section 6. It was AWESOME! So I, being the people watcher I am, was looking around and all of the sudden heard my name? I look behind me and there are Keri & Preston! They were like 4 rows behind us, it was pretty funny seeing them there.

Well, back to waiting. We'll let you know when we know!


Preston and Keri said...

That was CRAZY that we saw you guys. Especially in such a HUGE place.
We'll for sure call you guys next time we get tickets now that I know you guys are die hard JAZZ fans!

Deb and Stan said...

I remember when we were waiting for this house, I wanted to sneak in and start painting, that's how excited I was! Waiting is the hardest part! Good luck! You deserve this!

Tonto and E-rock! said...

Brother! ahhh, I miss you! I am so excited for you two to get a house that will be so much fun for the both of you! 5 bedrooms eh, need roommates..... hahaha jk Eric and I are looking for an apartment for now.. you know you get 8 grand back on your taxes next yr for being a 1st time home buyer this year! exciting!!!!! anyway technical guru.... thats funny! ha text me from your work phone I have been missing you ... also I wanna make a toon on your server... most likely a priest though cause thats my favorite one to play... the only one I play.. I am level 69 now!! eeee... love you both tons! keep in touch...

Tonto and E-rock! said...

ok so totally just saw you didnt get it... you'll find something! Keep lookin... love you!